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Writer's pictureCoach Bea

I’d love to get started…I'm just waiting for the perfect time.

Many of us wait for the “perfect time” with our health, nutrition, fitness, relationship, business, travels.....the list is long. We think we have to go all in or there is no point to even start, because we will end up disappointed or we will feel as a failure if it wont work.

But this all-or-nothing thinking - usually gets us... unfortunately “nothing.”

Are you on of those who is waiting for the “perfect time” to start? Does some of these phrases sound familiar for you?

When I get a different job.

When things are less busy.

When I feel less stressed.

When the weather will be better.

When I lose 5kg.

When my fridge is full of the right foods.

Tomorrow. Next week. Never. I don't have time for this...

Human beings are always “waiting for the perfect time.” But why?

For most of us, it’s a great distraction and justification to not change. It helps us avoid the real and risky work of doing and changing.

For others, perfectionism and avoidance serve as strong armor against potential embarrassment, criticism, failure or being hurt.

“I could/it would be great/ I would love to ... BUT ....” keeps us safe from pain.

And.... I want you to know, that it is all normal to feel....It is not easy to change, to start, to take a risk...

Its actually super scary, specially when you tried it before and you failed, you got hurt or rejected, and you don't want to feel this way again...

... or when you have so much stress in your life, that you don't feel ready for more....I really know all the anxious thoughts that are going trough your mind to keep you safe and stop you from making the first step.... it is how your brain works to protect you from something that could hurt you .

Unfortunately, it’s also what keeps you from growing, thriving, and being who you know you have the potential to be and from being..... TRULY, DEAPLY HAPPY.

So the question is, will you let your fear to control your life and actions, and stop you from taking the chances that may never come twice, and making changes that could help you make your dreams come true ?

The truth is ....

There is no perfect time. There never will be, and our biggest mistake is to think that we have time to wait...and this is how we can wait our all life until we wake up one day and we realize we lost our chance for something great or better life, because we convinced ourselves we are not ready.... and trust me...

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take". (Lewis Carroll)

Here is the secret.

That perfect moment is now.

Here. Today. The living, breathing sliver of time that you have in this precise second.

Because that is all you ever have: right now.

Here is another secret.

You don't have to change all your life and bad habits at once....

All you have to have this moment start

And then, moments will keep moving, as moments do, and before you know it, you’ll have arrived at your destination.

“But I can’t. I can’t get started! That is the problem!” - you will say

No, it’s not - If you can’t get started, you’re just thinking too much and too big.

For example, you want to start eat healthier, or start a new working out plan this month, so you start with reading about nutrition and trainings. That can be a good start, but if it keeps you stuck, scrolling trough social media for days, reading all the blogs and feeling confused, overwhelmed and do nothing, because you feel you don't know enough and you need to learn more before you can start ....then... maybe, starting for you shouldn’t be reading.

It should be something else, like walking to the fridge and picking out a shiny fresh apple and eating it.

Or making a shopping list full of variety of vegetables and putting it next to your wallet for tomorrow.

Or doing 10 push ups after waking up, or stretching your back while waiting for coffee to get ready.

Starting is when you lift up one foot and put it in front of the other, not when you stand there debating which road to take or wondering if you should have worn different shoes.

Starting means initiating action.

Starting means committing to a choice of some kind or another.

Putting the first foot in front of the second foot might require some help. Which is OK ! And I am here to help you - you don't have to do it all alone.

As long as something is moving, that’s a start.

Much Love,


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