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Women deserve better
​​The fact that you're here right now tells me 4 things:
1. You want more than what Google and social media offer you....
2. You're passionate about this pregnancy and your future family member.
3. You want to keep your body strong during pragnÄ…cy and have easy recovery
You're here for accurate, reliable, and realistic recommendations .
100% of the women I talk to want to do everything they can to give their baby a healthy start to life, ensuring they hit every developmental milestone with flying colors, but also they want to feel their best and don't lose their fitness progress.
Unfortunately, with the "general" recommendations today, this is much harder than it should be. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there when it comes to training and nutrition during pregnancy. You’ve probably heard things like:
You shouldn’t start a new program during pregnancy, especially if you aren’t already regularly active (not always true)
You shouldn't exercise in first trimester ( also not always true)
You can keep doing whatever you were doing prior to getting pregnant (also not always true)
I know, it’s confusing.
And what’s more, it’s harmful to women.
The significant lack of evidence-based information (and the abundance of outdated advice) means women don’t know exactly what to do for exercise during their pregnancies.
That’s why I am here.....because I believe we women deserve better !
And, just so we are on the same page, growing a tiny human is not easy!!
There are a lot of questions that may go unanswered and emotions you may have never experienced before; you are riding a roller coaster known as pregnancy. However, there ARE strategies to help and support waiting for you.
Don’t go at this alone.
I am beyond excited at the thought of being a part of your journey in a big or small way.
There is nothing more important than your growing baby bump. I know that.
By working with me you’ll know exactly how to eat and train confidently and effectively throughout pregnancy, even during the unique challenges that arise during each trimester. And beyond that, you’ll also learn how to adapt your own training to reduce risks of common prenatal symptoms and how to recover and back to training after the delivery.
Why does this matter?
Because strength training during pregnancy not only comes with a heap of benefits (physical as well as psychological, like feeling strong and capable), it also sets you up for the best postpartum recovery possible — which will have ripple effects even decades from now.​